How to transform form filling from a
frustrating task
to a smooth and quick experience
Alonim, a company on behalf of the Ministry of Construction
that is entitled to participate in discounted
lotteries and receive assistance with rent
Alonim, the largest company among two
other competing companies
operates on behalf of the Ministry of Construction
to qualify for discounted apartments
and receive assistance with rent
The eligibility process is carried out by completing the entitlement form
and submitting various forms based on the registered status
Filling out forms is a complex and frustrating task
:In Alonim, there are several problems in the form-filling process
the form is not adapted to all users, and some
are required to download it to their computer,
complete it manually, and send it via email
:In addition, the process of completing forms
is complicated by many problems such as
lack of preliminary information, information about errors,
and a lack of understanding of questions and concepts
Similarly, the website is overloaded with text to the extent
that it is nearly impossible to identify the necessary information
Simplify and streamline the process to make it easy, quick
and understandable
By considering every possible obstacle in the registration process and preventing it in advance
and by breaking down the process into short stages with specific user-friendly questions,
the form filling won't be as burdensome
Allowing everyone to complete the process through the website
By dividing the form into different sections according to the selected status
and providing the option to attach files during the process,
it allows everyone to exercise their entitlement in a simple and easy way
Redesigning the interface
The website needs a complete redesign from scratch,
as the original site lacked any design consideration
In the new design, emphasis can be placed on a clean environment
so that the user focuses on what truly matters
Additionally, the website is undergoing mobile optimization
Screen captures from the original site
this is
how it looks
now try to find something here
Market analysis
I started researching the competing
companies, 'Amidar' and 'Milgam
I also explored how the bureaucracy process and form
filling are managed on various websites
I drew inspiration and gained valuable insights from these source
User research
I went to investigate individuals who have gone through the eligibility process
with Alonim as well as with competing companies. Additionally
I researched people about the digital form completion process, asking about pain points and frustrations
Insufficient preliminary information
What is the process
and what is required to perform it
Filling out forms
is the most frustrating thing
Interested in conducting
the process online
Key points I heard along the way
When I sit down to fill out a form, I expect the process to be clear to me
from the start as much as possible
It's frustrating to get stuck due to missing materials and information
Answer only the questions intended for me,
and do not provide me with a list of questions
to which
I do not need to respond
I found it difficult to extract personalized information from the website
Everything was cluttered and presented in a single list
When I discovered that engaged couples need to submit through emai
I switched to another company
The persona I focused on is engaged couples because it's a significant target audience
and they cannot complete the process through the website
Getting married in two months
Harel Cohen & Roni Levy
Incomprehensible process
Valuable time is wasted in attempts
to understand what needs to be done
Harel and Roni, computer science students
in their third year
met each other during their studies
engaged and getting married in two months
very busy with studies
and extensive preparation
for the wedding
enjoy going out together
Our routine is already overloaded"
"we want to finish each task quickly and easily
Interested in quickly obtaining eligibility so
they can participate in the upcoming lottery
want to dedicate as little time as possible to
quickly understand the instructions.
User journey map
What do Harel and Roni want?
To complete the eligibility process quickly, simply, and easily
Visual Design
Emphasis is given to minimizing background noise
and providing a clean, organized appearance
Color palette
The chosen primary color is blue, symbolizing
government institutions, law, and order
The secondary color is green,
symbolizing hope and freshness,
something that will provide motivation for the viewer
A classic and familiar font
that conveys order and a clean appearance
Due to the exceptionally clean appearance,
I chose to incorporate icons,
making them
slightly more prominent and filled
Illustration style
A clean style without unnecessary details
Several conclusions emerged from the research
that pose challenges for users
The pain points were analyzed and divided into three main categories
The complexity
of the process
Resistance to the process by redirecting
a significant portion of users
to complete
the process
via email complicates and
confuses the user
In addition, the text overload makes it difficult
to find
the necessary information on the
Lack of
In a process with limited information
the user is unsure of eligibility
the steps he is supposed to take
whether additional documents are required
and the outcomes
of certain actions in the process
Difficulties in
filling out the form
During the completion of the form,
the user encounters numerous
problems. Some are related to
difficulties in understanding the
while others are additional
obstacles associated with the form itself
Simplifying the process
and providing the option for everyone
to complete it through the website
Clear and
organized distribution
User redirection upon entering
the site to the area of interest
thus preventing confusion
and irrelevant information
among the available options
Clear categorization of the form
based on the user's status
Dividing the form based on
the family status
allows each
user to enter the
process designated for them
without irrelevant questions
and information
Once the user enters two ID numbers
he can only choose the marital status
simplifying the process and reducing choices
Dynamic data input
Automatic completion of details
based on the initial information
entered by the user
saving the user from filling in those fields again.
To present the user with as much information
as possible about the process
including what is required from him to provide
as well as a clear explanation for each stage and action
Preliminary information
about the process
and requirements
Advance notice that
the user will need to attach
documents later in the process
Section with information
and frequently asked
questions about the process
Detailed explanation
before and after each action
Clear explanation to the user
of what they are about to do
Explanation at the end of the process
explaining to the user
that the process was successful
Updating the user
that when moving to another page
on the site
the entire process will be deleted
Progress Report
Throughout the entire form completion process
a progress indicator is displayed
providing the user with an indication
of how far along the process they are
and how many stages are remaining
Consideration of any potential glitch
that may arise during the form completion process
which could lead to user frustration and confusion
Option to save the process
In order to prevent frustration
when the user needs to stop the process for any reason in the middle
there is an option located in a floating button to save the data
and continue later using the same ID from the same point
The error message will appear promptly
accompanied by a relevant explanation
The error message appears
immediately when the user
attempts to proceed to the next stage
preventing them from searching for it
after completing all the fields
Below the error message
a clear explanation of the error is provided
eliminating the need for the user to guess
Short forms
wherever possible
Addressing in the second person
saves the user from responding
to duplicate questionnaires
Option for
correction and editing
There is an option
to view attached documents
and edit them if necessary
, saving the user from hesitation
and concern about whether
the correct documents
have been attached
Tooltip with an explanation
will appear in fields
and questions
that may be unclear,
helping the user
to proceed without hesitation